My name is Fee, you'll probably know me as TooFfion!Minecraft Content Creator
Community Manager at Stellar Studios
Blockwars Tester
I'm always looking for new projects, don't shy away from dropping me a DM via Twitter or Discord! (@TooFfion)


Thumbnail work + graphics used for social media posts.


Video Editing

(click here for a link to my YouTube channel, where you can find most examples of my work!)

long form

short form


Pride on the Block

Pride on the Block was a charity event held as part of EVNT's Pride Games. I was responsible for creating a series of graphics outlining a timeline of gay history to include in the museum part of the map.

Another SMP

A month long SMP that I created two different graphics for: a member list announcement + an event poster. I was also in charge of promoting the SMP + recruiting creators.


An SMP made by modding studio Terrarium that I assisted in the development of. As well as being one of the managers of the Discord/Twitter, I was responsible for creating member announcements for all 55 members for the SMP's Twitter account.

12 Days of Evemas

A series of 12 thumbnails I designed with full creative freedom for FuriousSyndrome's 12 Days of Evemas series.